We launched a Kickstarter earlier today, and within one hour we were fully-funded, had the “Project We Love” badge from Kickstarter staff, and have been featured on the Kickstarter.com front page.
Check out our Kickstarter page to reserve your backer reward, view our stretch goals, and see the latest about our funding progress.
Backer Rewards

Your Characters and Stages in the Main Game
For $500+ and $1,000+ backers, you’ll be working directly with the Smack Studio team to include your own creation into the main game! We’re eager to hear your ideas and help bring them to life.
Check out the additional Backer Rewards below:
An Update to Our Roster

Two new fighters, Dagen and Tate, join the fray, bringing our total Early Access base roster to 6.
Community rockstar Brett Ruys (aka Lunchbillion) created Dagen way back during our alpha launch back in September – and the character has managed to make its way into the official roster!
- Dagen: A dagger-wielding vampire. He can transform into a bat to assist in recovery. His foes quake at his terrifying bite.
- Tate: An athletic armadillo who loves to move. His claws allow him to dig underground, and his ball form cranks up his speed.
Stretch Goals

We’ve had these in mind since the beginning, but weren’t sure exactly when we’d hit our goal, so the time is now!
At $15K, we’d be able to double our current roster. The new characters will be fun, unique, and dynamic – we have some concepts in store we just can’t wait to show you.
At $20K, we’ll allow players to set custom color palletes in addition to the default ones that are available to select.
At $25K, we’ll build a 50-stage challenge mode. Imagine little event matches with special rules and parameters! We have tons of fun ideas.
At $30K, our partners will provide some Smack Studio-exclusive music tracks to add to our soundtrack. And trust us, they’ll be some real bangers.
At $40K, we’d have 16 fully playable characters in our roster. And this will include at least 3 of YOUR fighters, thanks to the generous backers who have selected our highest-paying tier!
At $50K, we’ll work with another studio to get a third party guest fighter included in the base roster of the game. We have some plans in place already that would really excite you, and if we can show a backing of $50K, we can make it happen!
Thank you again for all of the ways you’ve supported us and continue to support us so far.
We have a lot more exciting stuff in store for Smack Studio, and we can’t see what creations you come up with!
Smack Studio Got a Visual Upgrade

For more screenshots of gameplay and tools, check out our Press Kit.
Thank You to Backers
For anyone who chooses to support Smack Studio by backing us on Kickstarter, we sincerely thank you. We hope you enjoy the rewards and get excited about our future plans with this game, whether we manage to hit our goals or not.